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Steve Jobs' Transformational Management: Exposing His Strengths & Weaknesses As A Media Innovator

Media: Between the Past & Today

Gone are the days when newspapers and television were the primary sources of news and entertainment. Whether it's streaming services, online news outlets, or social media, in today's fast-paced world, there's no denying that the media sector is experiencing a rapid growth and a remarkable transformation. Thanks to the constant advancements in technology and to the transformational leaders in media, this field is constantly evolving and expanding, captivating audiences worldwide.

Throughout history, media innovators have been the driving force behind the evolution of the media landscape. Their visionary ideas and innovative approaches have revolutionized the way we experience and engage with various forms of media. So, this sector owes much of its progress to those forward-thinking transformational leaders who fearlessly pushed boundaries and embraced change by taking risks and giving birth to ground-breaking ideas. Their unwavering commitment to innovation propelled the industry to new heights, transforming the way we consume information and entertainment. By staying ahead of the curve, these leaders have not only ensured the survival of their organizations but have also elevated the overall quality of media content.(Read more about media transformational leaders.)

A Revolutionary Leader: Steve Jobs

Imagine a world without iPhones, iPads, or iTunes. It's hard to fathom, right?

Well, we have one man to thank for revolutionizing the way we consume media - the former CEO of Apple: Steve Jobs.

With a keen eye for cutting-edge technology and a relentless drive for perfection, this tranformational leader spearheaded a multitude of groundbreaking developments that have shaped the way we interact with media today. From the iconic iPod that put thousands of songs in our pockets, to the game-changing iTunes platform that transformed the music industry (read more), his leadership and vision created a culture of creativity and excellence within Apple.

But it doesn't stop there. His work on the early days of CGI animation is another important part of his legacy in the entertainment industry. He worked with the animation studio Pixar, contributing significantly to the realization of these captivating films. Released in 1995, "Toy Story" revolutionized the animation industry and captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. His pioneering mindset and dedication to quality have been sources of motivation for generations of aspiring animators and filmmakers. (Read more)

Job's Leadership Style

Let's talk about Steve Jobs' leadership style!

Leadership is an instrumental component for the success and growth of businesses. His style embodies the top-down management approach where leaders hold all the powers and have the ultimate say in decision-making. He had absolute power and control over every part of the business, and this approach allowed him to influence change in the company (Ghose& Kutsar, 2014). He made the final say in product design and was responsible for influential decisions in the company (Robinson, 2013). It's like being the captain of a ship, guiding the team towards success with unwavering authority.

He was known for his demanding nature, always pushing the boundaries and ensuring that every aspect of the company was aligned with his grand vision. And he didn't settle for mediocrity - he demanded nothing short of excellence. His style involved fast decision-making and an eye for detail to ensure the proper implementation of the company’s ideologies.

But Jobs was no ordinary leader. He didn't just follow the textbook rules of leadership - he rewrote them. He was a transformational force who defied convention at every turn. Despite his top-down approach, Jobs didn't just give orders from above. No, he rolled up his sleeves and worked side by side with his team, like a true co-worker. He employed an autocratic leadership style where he was involved in all the affairs and decisions for the business (Peek, 2023). He also emphasized the importance of teamwork in organizations since he believed that great things in business aren’t achieved by individuals but by teams (Davis, 2011) (Watch Jobs talking about management and teamwork). Although he did not make consultations in decision making, he worked closely with others, including Steve Wozniak, who, together co-founded Apple. Other people who closely worked with Steve Jobs include Bertrand Serlet, Andy Hertzfeld, Alan Kay, and Alvy Smith. But these people are not as well-known and probably not given enough credit, let alone his whole team. The followers of a transformational leader are constantly updated on the leader's progress toward the group's goals of continuous development; they are the ones who made him a leader by listening to him.

More than Just a Leader: An Innovator

Jobs was more than just a leader, he was a brilliant visionary!

From a young age, Jobs was captivated by technology, which ultimately led him to develop an impressive wealth of knowledge in the field (Kutsar, Ghose & Kutsar, 2014). With his tech-savvy and media know-how, he suggested innovative ideas that perfectly matched society's needs. With a strong focus on innovation and market research, he made sure the company created the right products that appealed to a wide range of customers.

He had this incredible ability to set sky-high goals for the company, and then he would meticulously outline the essential steps needed to make those goals a reality. It was this unique perspective that allowed them to develop a repertoire of reputable ideas that propelled Apple forward. One factor that affects the media industry is the change in consumption patterns, yet, Jobs had the ability to anticipate the needs and desires of consumers before they even knew what they wanted.

Jobs was a bold innovator in the media world, introducing groundbreaking strategies that had never been seen before (Podolny & Hansen, 2020). Back in 1991, when CGI was still a mystery to the world, Pixar made a groundbreaking deal to create and release three awesome animated movies. He was a fearless explorer, creating amazing gadgets like iPads, iPods, and iPhones. He wasn't afraid to take risks and discover new horizons.

Steve Jobs' Imperfection: Being an Egoistic Perfectionist

Steve Jobs had a strong reputation for leadership while working at Pixar and Apple, where he demonstrated courage and vision. But for some, Jobs was a narcissistic leader who accepted nobody's ideas but his (Moyer, 2021). Although many would’ve expected Jobs to be empathetic due to his emotional intelligence, it is notable that Jobs was not empathetic but arrogant and impatient (Bariso, 2020).

I believe that as much as it worked well for him, one of Jobs' weaknesses is that he acted as a superior who had a final say in all the decisions for the company. This indicates that he rarely incorporated the decisions of the others. So, I would classify Jobs kind of leadership as authoritarian because he is the one who set the rules, determined the objectives, and exercised absolute power over all daily operations. But trust and proper delegation are important for successful leadership. Perhaps he wanted to be team-oriented but his perfectionist personality required him to embrace pressure on his team and focus on the results instead of motivating them.

He was known to be task-oriented, focused on organizational success rather than the feelings of others. As mentioned earlier, he was not empthatic. He would delegate duties to different departments but used colleagues to ensure the proper implementation of the designs he approved. Thus, Jobs had screw-ups with members of the board at Apple who felt intimidated and could not work with him, leading to the end of his tenure at the company in 1985 (Moyer 2021). This clash of egos and differing perspectives ultimately proved to be the catalyst for Jobs' departure from the company he had helped build. (Find out more)


The media world will remember Steve Jobs as one of the influential guys in the media sector due to the various innovations he implemented in the field. Through strong leadership, innovation, and vision; Steve initiated many media innovations that revolutionized the media industry. Nonetheless, because of his uncompromising personality, he faced his fair share of challenges when it came to working with the board members at Apple.


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